My aim is true.

16 March 2006

Dating VII

I called Chris* to see if he wanted to go hear some live music. A thread we share. We go see LoveRunner, a Salt Lake City local band. I know the heterogeneous instruments player. We show up and take a seat on some sofa-like chairs and chat a bit. One band starts playing. I want to go stand in the ballroom to become part of the music. Chris doesn't. I stay seated in hindsight regretting my decision. No sooner than the band starts playing, Chris pulls out his phone and text messages someone.

Whoa. What is this all about? Mr. Allison I Want to Hang Out With You More, is overtaken by the expensive clock in his pocket?!?

He excuses himself from the sitting area and I am listen to the unnamed band (I never heard their name). Expression on my face: unnerved. He comes back while I'm in the middle of texting eye for an eye. What does he do? Sprays binaca in his mouth. It's almost cliche. I laugh, hyserically.

LoveRunner comes on. I make my way to the dance floor. I warn Chris that I get really into live music. Dancing, yelling, throwing things on the stage...I've never done that but one of these days. In the middle of their set Chris excuses go find earplugs. I understand his concern but we were listening to at least 20 minutes of very loud music before LoveRunner took the stage, no excuses. Left alone...again. He comes back just as the set is ending.

I say hi to the heterogeneous instruments player and introduce him to Chris. By then Chris has gone from "potential" to "no chance." We promptly leave.

All Chris was good for was the ride to and from the Union Ballroom.

Why must it be so insanely difficult for two members of the opposite sex to find eachother? Why must manners be thrown out? What kind of society are we living in where it is kosher to be out for the evening and be talking to someone other than the date?

I don't I need to count bots and snus on this one.

*Chris is his real name.


Blogger FPrince said...

I don't understand the inclusion of the Japanese cartoon, but I fully validate your frustration with idiots. Chris doesn't get the privilege that is Allison.


Blogger Melanie said...

I was there too. I don't have a clue what the first band was called either. I think you're right to put *lamepants in the "no chance" box.

*His real name is Chris.


Blogger Creativity Escapes Me said...

The Japanese Cartoon was because he has robot boots on. A little obscure.

From henceforth, all bad date's names will be Lamepants.


Blogger jeremy said...

You need to end off Lamepants with a Mc, like Lamepants McScratchy, or Lamepants McLame, or Lamepants McQueasy. I could go on, so I think I will - McSurley, McDoc, McLazy, McLacivious, McMac paddy-whack give the dog a bone, McInterslice, McMmmmmmforbiddendoughnut.....


Blogger T.R. said...

Next time we'll do a cover of "kiss the girl" from "the little mermaid". Remember your binaca.

PS that first really loud blues band was called "central nerve". The band after us was called "the john whites"


Blogger Creativity Escapes Me said...

Kiss Lamepants McForbiddenDoughnuts? Not very high on the priority list.



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