My aim is true.

13 March 2007

Life...for a Sabo.

Have you ever...
...wanted to run away and go to a place where no body knows you?
...wanted to seek out a friend?
...told said friend everything that was happening in your life?
...been accused of something you never did?
...had your character smothered by a dishonest person?
...given in?
...wished you were never juded harshly by the opinions of a dishonest person?
...gone on with life because you know it's not up to you how someone handles a situation?
...had a regret?
...wondered what was going to happen tomorrow?
...had to take life one day at a time?
...imagined what life would be like if you had never joined the Army?

Okay, so that last question is for me.

Why must lessons always be learned the hard way for me? Why, when I get to to a point in my life when my lips and nose are above the water, I'm handed a drinking straw and my face sinks again?

I guess life has never been easy.

My parents loved eachother enough to have three absolutely hot children. But that didn't stop my father from being abusive. That also didn't stop my mother from leaving him after more than 20 years of marriage.

The choices I've made and repented of have come back to haunt me. I know this is Lucifer's way of making sure I don't forget what I did. I need to remember that the Savior remembers my sins no more. My clothing has been made white by the atoning blood of the Lamb.

Please, why can't he leave me alone?


Blogger Awright13 said...

Hey, call me sometime and we'll chat that satan thing out.


Blogger Chester The Bear said...

satan. bah. anyone who has to wear a suit like that and carry around a stupid pitchfork all day has to be a big wooss.

i find it much more fun to simply ignore him/it. (although i am jewish, and i don't think we believe in satan per se, but you know what i mean).

as for doing all the things you listed, yes, and then some.

but here's the bottom line... you are who you are because you're the sum total of all that has happened to you, and all that you've done, good and bad.

those things your retrospectoscope has identified as having been less than optimal decisions or outcomes are still a part of what makes you who you are today.

there is time for regret and rfeflection in life, but only fleetingly, because it's not what has happened that's im portant, but what you choose to do from here.


Blogger Matsby said...

Lucifer is a prick! I am sorry you are going through crap now. I know that can be a pain!


Blogger FPrince said...

Today we talked about the link between repentance and forgiveness. There really comes a point where we can forgive others for what they've done to us, but that is NOT the same as trust. Trust in others and ourselves must be earned. We show that we can trust ourselves by daily evaluating what we should embrace and what we should avoid to keep our repentance/forgiveness bright. "But this much I can tell you, that if ye do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God, and continue in the faith of what ye have heard concerning the coming of our Lord, even unto the end of your lives, ye must perish. And now, O man, remember, and perish not." King Benjamin was teaching that this whole life thing is a PROCESS and we can't afford to forget the lessons we've already learned.

Al, you have learned SO MUCH and you are the only one that can gauge your success in maintaining your goal of folowing the Savior. Comparing yourself to other people or even to a skewed expectation of yourself will only bring despair.

Be patient. Seek help. Congratulate yourself.


Blogger Awright13 said...

Amen to that.



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