My aim is true.

10 January 2007


Here is how it's going to work. IF I get the call this is the order of how people in my life are informed:

1. Family
2. The Ward
3. Work
4. Bloggers
5. Everyone else

There are always exceptions to some of these rules, ie. If I've ever called you a brother or a sister and meant it, you're family.

I quite literally don't know if I'm going anywhere. These things take time. I'll have my brave face on. You'll know.

I'm not going anywhere until I have that paper in my hand.

What, me worry?


Blogger jeremy said...

I can finally say I'm a step ahead of everyone else. Hehe, we're cool.


Blogger Matsby said...

Well, I hope you don't have to go, but like Jeremy, I am glad I am ahead of "everyone else" - which I guess refers to like the check-out guy at the grociery store, homeless people, and Rocky Anderson.

What me worry? Yes. Me worry sometimes. Especially about war.


Blogger Awright13 said...

Where are you in the life cycle of likely units they'd call?


Blogger Creativity Escapes Me said...

Jeremy - Super cool.

Gatsby - Worry about things you can control. In some way I can kinda control war. You can't.

Ashley - I don't know.



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