My aim is true.

11 December 2006


I'm in the Army. I have until April. Then I'm almost out of the Army.

While we were in Afghanistan my intel guys decided to add an acronym to our brains that were already filled to the brim with acronyms.



PAPER CLIP was months in the making. The moment I heard about this program I had to be a member.

I talked to Sergeant Butler, who was the first member of PAPER CLIP. He let me join.

"Repeat after me. People against people ever re-inlisting."

"People against people ever re-inlisting."

"Civilian life incentive program."

"Civilian life incentive program."

"Welcome to PAPER CLIP. You must now wear this somewhere on your uniform. It's best under the pocket then you won't get in trouble."

I placed the prize on the underside of my left top pocket. I also told as many would appreciate the new found awesomeness of PAPER CLIP.

All one needs to do is promise to never re-inlist and be told by someone that is a member of the program.

Sometime in April I am going to throw a PAPER CLIP party.


Blogger Awright13 said...

Lemme know. I'll fly out for it!


Blogger FPrince said...

So far your feelings about serving in the army have been a bit ambiguous. You seem to have very strong patriotism, but also take great pride in not re-enlisting. I'm not trying to dissect your feelings to criticize them, I'm just curious now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So did you wear your paper clip the whole time? Or did the following dialogue ensue:
Miss Hoover? My paper clip crawled into my mouth and then I ate my paper clip. Can I have another?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So did you wear your paper clip the whole time? Or did the following dialogue ensue:
Miss Hoover? My paper clip crawled into my mouth and then I ate my paper clip. Can I have another?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So did you wear your paper clip the whole time? Or did the following dialogue ensue:
Miss Hoover? My paper clip crawled into my mouth and then I ate my paper clip. Can I have another?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, CEM - you can delete some of my superfluous comments if you would. I'm having problems with blogger.


Blogger Matsby said...

I got a really touching email forward a few weeks ago about one of our brave soldiers who's life was saved when a bullet that should have gone right through his heart got lodged in a paper clip...

So it looks like God is on your side too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have different sizes designating rank or status? You know, a recent non-re-enlistee would wear one of those itty bitty ones, while the grand poo bah could wear a big gold one.

Or maybe the pretty coloured plastic ones are your thing, and can at least let you accessorise.


Blogger Jonathan Rowe said...

Absolutely no one you know came up with 'PAPER CLIP'. It's a NAVY joke that has been around since before you were born.

Unoriginal army 'tards.



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