My aim is true.

22 July 2008

What Scripture am I Pondering Today?

I’m right in the middle of the Isaiah chapters of the Book of Mormon and I think to myself, “Self, you’ve just gotta get through the Isaiah chapters.” My brain isn’t ready for the Isaiah chapters (Insert comment about how Isaiah is so beautiful. Spare me.). I have found a couple gems in the last few days such as

2 Nephi 10:17


2 Nephi 13:10

I started this last week. While on the train I look at my Book of Mormon and say, “Book of Mormon, teach me something today.” Inevitably, it’s something I need to hear or (if it’s not something I need to hear) a question gets answered or I talk to someone that needs to hear the scripture of the day…funny.

I write the scripture of the day on a Post-it Note and pin it to the wall of my desk. This is another thing I enjoy about working for the Church. People here don’t think that’s weird where any other job would look at you sideways and be like, “Dude, scriptures?”

Today I am pondering 2 Nephi 19:6 – For unto us a child is born, unto us as son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

This scripture is used in the Messiah by Frederic Handel. Can we say inspired music? Yes, say it with me, inspired music. The music is all favorite but if I had a top five favorite pieces in the Messiah, For Unto Us would be in it.

I wanted to discuss how truly awesome this scripture is.

A child is born: My mom has a picture of Mary holding the six month old Christ. I like looking at it because it reminds me that we all started that way, a child. Of course, Christ had an advantage being the “only begotten in the flesh” and all but He still started as a child.

A son is given: Given as a sacrifice for all. Not just for the people on Earth…all. Heavenly Father gave His son to us. Do we need to go into the Atonement or is that something that can be saved for another post? Another post, by gum.

And the government shall be upon his shoulder: The perfect, self-sustaining government free from politicians. He is the perfect judge having personally experienced every sickness, every bruise, every ouchie, every tear, every death, every abuse, and every mentality.

And his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace: I like how these are all used as other names for Christ. The perfect listener, the perfect brother, the perfect dad, the perfect person we can go to for true stillness.

I think I might have found a new blog.

I like my job!


Blogger badgermiddlemas said...

May I suggest John Bytheway's "Isaiah for Airheads." I know, it's John Bytheway, with all his lame songs and jokes... but it is actually quite insightful and pretty straightforward. It focuses on the chapters in the Book of Mormon and gives several things to look for that have made my Isaiah labyrinth much more endurable. The book of Mormon study guide (on the CES website) isn't bad, either. Cheers.


Blogger Laverna said...

You have to be in the right mood for Isaiah.
My mom had the opportunity to perform the Messiah with the Utah Oratorio Society several years ago, and "For Unto Us" was her favorite number. She said that she got chills as she called/sang out the many names that the Savior would be known as. It's a pretty powerful song. And fun to play, too.



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