My aim is true.

17 July 2008

Bar League Softball

Since May-ish I’ve been playing on a softball team called Terra Diamond. How I ended up on the team was kind of a fluke. Someone broke their leg which opened up an extra spot on the team. Once I found out Jessica, a friend of mine, was on a team I wanted in. Every Thursday she would come into the office and complain about how there are people on her team that don’t try. Every time I would tell her that I’ll be on the team and that I’ll try.

I suck at softball but at least I try. I’m not a complete spaz. I can throw the ball. I can run fast. I’m not too stellar at catching fly balls or batting. I’ve learned a lot about playing the game from my dad. He loves baseball (Cubs fan, true blue, through and through) and he played softball for a long time. He comes to all my games and gives me advice.

The regular season ended last night. We ended our season with one win. Yes, one win. The fun part was my athletic ability finally caught up with me. My dad was in the crowd (and when I say crowd I mean there were about eight people there). I was up to bat for the first time that game. The pitch comes in. Ball. (Good eye, Brian). The next pitch comes in and I hit the ball.

Now, I’ve hit the ball a few times this season but 100% of the time I hit the ball, it was caught. Now, in softball and baseball, that’s an out. So, I hit the ball and I started running to first base and I mean booking to first base. I look up to see where the ball was going and I see the fielder right underneath the ball. Another out. Much to my surprise, she dropped the ball.

I, Allison Sabo, made a base hit.

My dad was so proud.

Just call me Base Hit Sabo.

I was grinning about it for an hour.

Me, I made a base hit.

I wasn’t even on base when I saw that she dropped the ball. I was jumping up and down that I had succeeded in the base hit. I slapped hands with my team when I went back to get my mitt because Cy struck out.

It was awesome and I was so proud of myself. The season’s hard work finally paid off for me with a base hit.

Now is when I get into why I call bar league. My team has a couple brewskies while they are playing. Maybe it’s the golf or bowling theory. It loosens them up. Or maybe they’re just used to it. I wouldn’t be able to do it. It’s cool for them it’s just not for me. I still love the fact that I get to play softball and I got a base hit.

We play on Wednesdays. Our next game is on the 23rd at 6:30 P.M. at 3700 South Main Street in South Salt Lake. We wear the green shirts. I’m number 29 and my softball name is Donna.

Go team!


Blogger Awright13 said...

Congrats! It's a great feeling when ball meets bat. I'm not coaching this season and I know I'll miss it. I'm proud of you!

Keep on keeping on. Oh, and try to hit the ball on a level plane. You won't pop it up anymore making it more difficult to catch. I smell a home run coming on Al!


Blogger Creativity Escapes Me said...

Yeah, I wish. Home run would be so sweet.


Blogger Jake Lindsay said...

Congratulations on your first hit. I'll see if I can make it to one of your games in the future. They're always a fun and relaxing experience.


Blogger Laverna said...

In sixth grade, we had our traditional faculty vs. sixth grade softball game. I remember just standing there hoping to get enough balls so I could walk. Yeah, I was a pretty rotten softball player.
Way to be a better player than I! What a great accomplishment!


Blogger FPrince said...

DONNA? Awesome.



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