My aim is true.

20 November 2008

Do not procrastinate the day of your argument. Actual events that took place during the evening of 19 NOV 2008.

5:30 PM - Get to class and be super bored because I hate my teacher and will never take a class from her again.
7:05 PM - Leave class early to go get ready for a shindig put on by a friend of mine I haven't seen in about three years. Shower, hair done (this will come into play later).
8:30 PM - Arrive at shindig with Dr. Pepper in hand and none of the Mormon prudes drink it unitl the popular roommate with the Black Berry who answers his phone while someone (namley the guy that was invited because Roy sits next to him in Priesthood) is talking to him gets there and pours himself a snifter.
10:00 PM - Leave dreadful shindig being reminded that I need to get out of Utah and head home. Grab my computer.
10:07 PM - Arrive at the Coffee Garden because it's cheaper to write papers there than at Dee's.
10:55 PM - Get kicked out of the Coffee Garden because it's time for them to close. I'm only done with about half of my paper. Recall that there is another coffee shop on 400 South.
11:06 PM - Arrive at Coffee Break. Begin to finish my paper.
1:00 AM - Leave Coffee Break only for the sheer fact that I should've brought my computer into the coffee shop with me.
1:04 AM - Arrive at home. Get my computer out of my case, turn on my television and begin typing my paper while watching the South Park episode about the Emo kids.
1:30 AM - South Park episode ends and I spend five minutes trying to find some ambient noise by channel surfing.
1:35 AM - Figure out there isn't going to be anything on that will distract me enough to finish typing my paper so I turn on classical music that my sister put on my iPod before I went to Afghanistan.
2:48 AM - Finish typing my paper. Lenghth - eight pages.
2:49 AM - Set alarm clock for 6:00 AM.
2:50 AM - Remove contacts.
2:51 AM - Get into bed and suddenly realize the tea I'd been drinking all night had caffiene in it.
3:20 AM - (assumed) Fall asleep.
6:00 AM - Jolted out of my dream state by the beeping of my $80 a month clock and promptly hit snooze.
6:10 AM - Jolted out of my dream state by the beeping of my $80 a month clock and remember that I took a shower before the shindig and promptly hit snooze.
6:20 AM - Jolted out of my dream state by the beeping of my $80 a month clock and promptly hit snooze.
6:30 AM - Jolted out of my dream state by the bepping of my $80 a month clock and get out of bed.
6:32 AM - Normal bathroom things.
6:45 AM - Press skirt I wore the night before.
6:50 AM - Get dressed and eat some breakfast.
7:02 AM - Get into my car and head to the Ballpark Trax Station where I swear I saw Rich (my stupid ex-boyfriend).
7:17 AM - Get on the train.
7:30 AM - Arrive at the City Center Trax Station.
7:41 AM - Arrive at my desk with plenty of work to do today and regretting that I wore the same outfit I wore to two coffee shops last night. I smell like coffee.
8:04 AM - Wondering how long it will take for me to hit the wall.


Blogger Matsby said...

There's a lot to address here, but I guess I mostly just want to let you know that there are alarm clocks out there that you only pay for once at the time of purchase. And I am pretty sure they are more like $20.


Blogger FPrince said...

Procrastination: a problem that can probably wait until tomorrow.



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