With one week left in my summer break from school I am getting ready for the new semester (which starts on the 20th) by
Cleaning my apartment
Doing laundry
Going to the temple
Helping my sister move her stuff into her new classroom
Going to see Rogue Wave on the 18th
Reading my other new textbook for my Personality Theory class that I got for a fraction of the bookstore price at
Figuring out my new commute to Redwood High
Watching Michael Phelps win a million gold medals in Beijing
Wondering where the summer went
Reading the Book of Mormon and picking scriptures to ponder
Trying to catch up on sleep
Packing my bag the night before I leave for work
Evaluating my options as to when I can still volunteer at Chelsea Street
Asking my brother for a blessing
Looking at this picture of Jedi Squirrels
Congratulations on getting off your can. Summer!
That is, quite possibly, the best picture ever.
I aim to please.
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