My aim is true.

12 February 2006

Don't argue with me. Especally if you don't vote.

Heavenly Father broke them all when he made me: I'm a registered Utah Democrat member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints who is a female vehicle mechanic in the Army. If that doesn't break molds then I don't know what does.

I went to my dad's house for Valentine's dinner with him, his wife and his wife's mom. Things were going splendidly until one dreaded topic was crossed: politics. My dad is staunch Republican. To start a heated debate tell my father you don't vote and then tell him how you think the country should be run.

My step-mom and my step-grandma haven't voted in 20 years. They told my father that their votes don't count because they live in a right-wing state. My dad's rebuttal, "Who did you vote for?" Of course your vote won't count if you don't vote.

I told them that voting is a right. Their rebuttal, "No it's not." That shocked me.

There are two wars going on. Count them: Afghanistan and Iraq.

We went into Afghanistan in 2001. We went into Iraq in 2003. They are two different wars no matter what the media tells you.

My step-grandma told me I went to Afghanistan because of President Bush. My rebuttal (oh, I'm yelling at this point because they won't listen to me if I'm using my indoor voice), "I went to Afghanistan for 3,000 people that died in New York. I went to Afghanistan for him (I pointed to my dad). I went for you two."

"No you didn't," they told me.

Don't tell me why I do things. You have no idea how my mind works.

If this post makes no sense to you, I'm sorry. I'm still a little miffed that people want to change these great United States but do nothing about it. I'm miffed that they are uneducated. I'm miffed that they don't listen.


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