My aim is true.

17 April 2006

Dating IX



I put it there. The reaction is usually, "Well I have to wash my hair." He then walks away, I am left standing there...alone...then I never see him again. I'm a lucky dame.

Saturday night, it worked.

"Hey, can I tell you something. I'm just throwing it out there. Toss it back if you don't want it. I dig you. I think you're awesome. I want to date you."

"Date is premature," he said. "I love hanging out with someone and getting to know them. So I can judge who they are and how they will react in different situations."

Well we talked for a while...a long while.

I guess I'm scared. Scared that if it doesn't work out that my heart will be ripped out and drop kicked into a wastebasket. Scared that I might get to know him so well that I might start dating him seriously. Scared that I'm taking that step into the darkness of something I don't know.

I got some great advice from a friend today, "Allison, you can't see the end from the beginning. That's why you are scared." So wise.

We'll see where it will go.


Blogger Spencer said...

You know my feelings on this one.


Blogger T.R. said...

Some Guy once said to me:

Fear is like a sign in the ground that says: "Buried Treasure. Don't Dig Here."


Blogger FPrince said...

But I do not. Please expound. Unless expounding would likely pounce upon the feelings, privacy and good-will-hunting prospects of one Allisohn. Then tell me later.


Blogger FPrince said...

scooped! now my post is out of order. curse you, treasure!


Blogger FPrince said...

And also, where did "Army" and "Adventures of Allison" hoo-hah go? I read them.


Blogger Creativity Escapes Me said...

Meeshell: Other blogs gone. You think you have no time. I really don't have time for them.

TR: Why would I be fearful about diging for buried treasure? Oh, it's word play.

Spencer: You rock!


Blogger T.R. said...

what I mean is fear can often indicate that you are on the verge of something wonderful. you are afraid of the change it will bring, even though the change will be like finding buried treasure.


Blogger T.R. said...



Blogger Blake Baker said...

Wow that Dating movie had more squeals than Rocky, and less Russians. I can't wait for the long anticipated release of Dating X: the revenge


Blogger Blake Baker said...

And by squeals(weeeee!) I clearly meant squeals...wait a minute...sequels. Yes sequels!



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