I resolve to...
...make my gym membership work for me rather than me working for it.
When I went to visit a good friend in Colorado over the snow filled New Year we were asked what we resolve to do in the new year.
"...study more."
"...talk to my mom more often."
"...better understand God's will for me."
Okay, so that last one was probably what we all should've said.
I, like a sellout, resolved to loose the post-deployment, fast-food eating, TV watching tummy, ass and thighs that I have so lovingly had a regret for since coming home. Which brings me to the actual point of my post.
Actual point of my post:
I workout at 24-Hour Fitness. It's very close to my home and work. This morning while I was running there was a fellow member on the tread mill. She had it on super incline but instead of walking so her body was making a 90 degree angle to the ground she was holding onto the front of the machine so her body was perpendicullar to the incline. Doesn't this defeat the purpose of hill mode?
Your thoughts?
silly girl. I should have my trainer talk to her, he'd probably yell though. I too have let my exercise routine fall by the way-side. I have been busy and haven't worked out for two weeks. Starting Monday I am recommiting myself to the gym for the nice tummy I miss so much. Good luck dear friend and, literally, God's speed.
#1 - It defeats the purpose the same way gyms with escalators defeat the purpose.
#2 - That's a bit like those moving climbing walls, where you don't go up, but the wall comes down like a sort of rock encrusted shutter.
#3 - It is said (though it may be an urban myth) that when Neil Armstrong came back from the moon, a journalist at a press conference asked him if he'd been on any special exercise program to prepare himself for his history making moonwalk. He's reported to have looked back at the journalist and said "son, God only gave me a certain number of heartbeats in my life, and I don't see no point wasting 'em".
I'm with Neil.
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