My aim is true.

01 August 2006

Commentary on rain and future events.

I love summer thunder storms.

What does August have in store? Work, trip to Colorado, catching up on sleep, Death Cab for Cutie, quite possibly a social life.



Blogger FPrince said...

There's nothing stopping us now. I promise to bring fruit snacks and maybe snack packs.

I love road trips!!!


Blogger Awright13 said...

I love that you're road tripping to see me!!!!! I have a couple very cool things in store! (and we have snack packs if you happen to forget them and develope a craving or a cramp, which ever comes first) Oh, and we have thunderstorms about every afternoon, it's just a colorado thing.


Blogger Creativity Escapes Me said...

Hooray for the thunderstorm. We must find men that are willing to dance with us in them. Is this possible? That is your next task. I want to dance in the rain.



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