My aim is true.

04 August 2006

Pam (Allison) 6.0

In approximately eight and a half hours I will be interviewing for a job as Pam.

I don't get nervous when I have to sell my knowledge, skills and abilities. It does make me think that I'm saying more that what I really am. Does that ever bug you? My resume is the biggest line. Did I really do all those things? Is this knowledge really up in my brain? I submit to you that Jack of all trades is the master of none. Let's have a looksee at my resume.

Swimming Coach
Legislative Intern
Telephone Survey Specialist
Wal*Mart Service Deli
Wal*Mart Cahsier
Meat Cutter
Set Merchandiser

and quite possibly


I've never held a job longer than a year. Army doesn't count. That's a duty not a job~tangent~and being deployed doesn't count either. Again, it's my duty but I was on the other side of the world. I couldn't just quit. Also if I did quit I would be a civilian in a warzone having to find my own way home. No military assistance. We flew to Afghanistan on the taxpayers dime. I wouldn't want to fly out of the Kabul they have an airport?

I need this job badly. It's a nine to five, 401k, medical, dental, vision. After the interview it's up to the company and their ability to say, "There's something different about her. She has no experience but let's hire her anyway."


Blogger Chester The Bear said...

The bit I used to hate about job inteviews is that the person interviewing you can never tell you the REAL reason why you did or did not get the job.

It would be much easier if they could, but sadly, in this overly politically correct, litigious world, they can't.

Good luck with the interview.


Blogger Matsby said...

I was thinking how it must have been hard being a girl in the army fighting in the enemy-land, but now I see that you worked at Walmart... that kind of experience prepares you for the whole war thing doesn't it?

Actually, I guess the main difference between those two jobs is that when you are at war, you are hoping that you don't get shot.

I once worked at a chinese resteraunt and when they weren't looking I would often drink as much MSG as I could. Unfortunatly, I found out that the whole 'MSG kills you' stuff is an old wives tale.

But yeah, good luck.


Blogger Creativity Escapes Me said...

Went well. Thanks for your support.


Blogger Creativity Escapes Me said...

Working at Wal*Mart did help me with my patience. It didn't, however, help me with my being shot at skills.



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