I snuck into the library.
Free to all.
I really didn't sneak. I borrowed my sister's husband's user ID and password to the University of Utah's system of unrestricted research materials. Which reminds me I need to find that article. Maybe they have a hard copy of it...be right back.
Okay, here's the article:
Symposium on Terrorism, War and Justice: The Ethics of Killing in War
Jeff McMahn
A good Consequentialist argument against war could be made from the book On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society by LTC Dave Grossman. If you've ever wondered why humans have an aversion to killing another human and the switch the government gives a service member to turn that off I highly suggest putting this on your non-fiction reading list. I've read it.
In our group presentation for my Ethics class I was given the assignment of the anti-war and anti-terrorism ethical stance. I'm going to double dip. The title of my research paper is going to be "Was My War Ethical: a (fill in ethical stance here) Stance"
For example: Was My War Ethical: a Feminist Stance
Was My War Ethical: a Divine Command Theorist's Stance
Sounds like fun, huh?
I better get cracking on this one because the paper is due on the 19th and the group presentation is on the 26th.
Lemme know if you need someone to look over your paper. It's kinda my thing/my job ;-)
I would love to write that one. As long as I didn't have to do any research or have any discernable point or opinion. I'm not allowed to.
How did this go?
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