My aim is true.

21 May 2007


This list is long overdue.

I find myself attracted to these individuals on screen as they play characters but would I find myself attracted to them if I got to know them? (in no particular order)

1. Edward Norton
2. Jason Schwartzman
3. Zachary Quinto
4. James Spader
5. Tim Curry
6. Kevin Spacey
7. Joel McHale
8. James Woods
9. Jonathan Tucker
10. (not really a character) Bobby Flay

It wouldn't surprise me if I found out that any of these men are homosexual.

I strongly think that it's the characters they are playing that I am attracted to. All have great qualities. Some play bad guys, some play good guys. One cooks very well and one has great eyes...well most of them have great eyes. If anyone can find any common theme please let me know. 50% have given names that start with the letter J.

Just throwing this out there.


Blogger Matsby said...

Tim Curry? James Woods??

Tim Curry???

James Woods???

I am with you on Sylar (pretty hot).

But Tim Curry????


Blogger Creativity Escapes Me said...

Tim Curry plays a great bad guy. I don't know. I think he gets you to trust him and then he turns on you.

James Woods can play such great characters. From the dad in The Virgin Suicides to the lawyer in Shark.



Blogger FPrince said...

Explain why I still love Corin Nemec. It's a mystery.



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