My aim is true.

04 January 2006


Sleep is for the birds.
I can't sleep.


Blogger jeremy said...

Blogging being the natural cure for insomnia. You should've joined me and my friends, playing speed scrabble and nerts until very early in the morn. Aaaaah, how those days are numbered.


Blogger Blake Baker said...

If it is okay with Larry Bird, it is okay with me. Did you hear about the guy in prison that was such a Larry Bird fan that he asked the judge to have his sentence extended by two years so that it would match Bird's number 33. It is kind of like how Bill Gates is my favorite multi-gazillonare and I asked my boss to give me a raise to match that of Mr. Gates' salery. I am just such a big fan.


Blogger FPrince said...

That's why they pay us the big bucks, Territorial. Mind power, you see, mind power.


Blogger FPrince said...

Also Creativity, I've been sleeping terribly lately too. It's the wind. Also anxiety for school, etc. Don't be afraid to try the warm-milk and lullaby technique.


Blogger Creativity Escapes Me said...

Warm milk and a lullaby, eh?



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