"Here's the deal," said the naive brunette. "I want you to give me that car and I'll give you $3,000 for everything."
"That is a 17 year old Mazda. I couldn't give th...deal," he said against his better judgment.
She slapped the cash into his hands. With confidence in her new find Stephanie Reynolds rolled out of the dealership thinking she was the wiser of the two. Stephanie was in her mid-20's. Her frame was petite no taller than five feet. Delicate cheekbones. Beautiful crystal blue eyes. A slight wave to her hair. It was the middle of summer. Her dress was very casual. Cut off shorts and a nature colored short sleeved shirt. Her pedicured feet were placed ever so gently into a pair of flip-flops.
"She paid cash," Mark said to his sales partner.
Mark worked (in his own words) an extremely crappy job. But sales was his strong point. He went to school for it. He entered business school with the goal of becoming chief salesperson of Cannicorp Pharmaceuticals. Why was he working at the used car dealership? That was a question Mark asked himself every day.
Today he was not standing tall in his six foot frame. Broad shoulders were slumped. His chestnut eyes half-closed. His semi-long blonde hair looked unkempt compared to his metro wardrobe. Black tailored slacks, shiny black leather shoes, sunfire yellow button down shirt and lavender tie.
Mark walked into his office to finish paperwork for the car. Counting the bills he murmured, "She paid cash. She didn't even try to make a deal. Did she even research?" Sign and print here it stated on the final page of paperwork. He scribbled his doctor style signature onto the final paper then printed Mark Singer where indicated.
He looked at his watch; a style they give away on The Price is Right. 4:45 on a Friday night. He slid the paperwork into his outbox, tucked his rolling chair under his desk and walked out of his office. Tightly locking his door.
"I'll see you Monday," he shouted to his sales partner, Steven.
"Hot date?" Steven said.
"If you call a rented movie, a bowl of microwave popcorn and an empty apartment a hot date. Say 'Hi' to Rebecca for me." With a twinge of jealousy he walked out of the dealership.