Computer Code Writer Dude
Budlight presents: Real Men of Genius.
(Real Men of Genius)
Today we salute you Mr. Computer Code Writer Dude.
(Mr. Computer Code Writer Dude)
Without you we would have no blog, no internet, no email.
(How would I communicate?)
You invented phrases like : MIS, packet sniffer and petabyte.
(I don't understand you.)
Is that the Windows startup tone I just heard? You must be going to work.
(Woah, the startup tone.)
People come up to you and say, "I don't do computers. Will you fix mine...I'll pay you?
(How much?)
You can type 80 words per minute. That's fast.
(Click, click, click.)
Dot com, technogeek and Internet Help Desk are household terms.
(Geek and nerd used to be insults.)
So crack open a nice cold one for you the commando of the keyboard.
We be diggin' your style.
Anheuser Busch.